
Friday 6 December 2019


Dear blog readers
this is the last day of having our Chrome book.and I love how you did comments on my Blog and I will see you when I'm your 7

and the play things I enjoyed this year

1 was eating the cockroaches and chocolate fish

2 was going to camp and running up killer hill

3 to say a big thank you to Mr Goodwin for being my teacher this year

thank you

Monday 2 December 2019

camp Bentzon kawau island

Camp Bentzon Kawau IslandScreen Shot 2014-10-31 at 9.28.42 AM.png
Year 6 Camp 2019 

Now that you have been on camp, and are experts in all things Camp Bentzon. You are going to write a top 5 tips for Camp Bentzon for future Year 6’s.
Start writing below here

future campus the first Tip is to go sleep when your tod so you don't have to go and sit outside and if you don't Listen Out then you well have to go 2 laps arad killer hill the next tip is to get read wan your tod to and to be a good influence to the people around 
And you have to be good at eating food you should because you don't want to be embarrassed in front of all of the people of your eating table and you have to organised wan your tod so you can get you some points for your group .

And you have to be good at listening, so if you go sailing you would be a good listener der and if you have free time you should do volleyball because volleyball is the best game at kawau island 

Wednesday 23 October 2019

my wallabies activity

Wallabies are marsupials related to kangaroos 
Wallabies are almost identical to kangaroos but smaller. ...
Like kangaroos, wallabies have powerful, big tails.
Wallabies are solitary animals, although they will often forage for food in groups of up to 30 animals. is that cool 

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Immersion Assembly

Miss Szymanik helped us write this recount about Immersion Assembly.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Timestbale Practice 2019

task description: so today I learn my  fives Sixes Sevens and  8

Friday 23 August 2019

my writing

Walt: I learn how to do research and how to describe stuff

Task Description: So today I had to pick creature and the creature I Pick was a seagull because I cool to do

Thursday 22 August 2019

Alien Addition


task description So Today I had to do hard maths work

Reading a boat


task description: so today I had to do a screencastify and I had to do a picture of my book
and I had to do 3 sentence about what happened in the story and  what did I learn
and the last sentence was did I like the story yes I did.

Synonyms For Reading on a boat.


Task Description: to day I learn a but synonyms and noun and adjective

Thursday 15 August 2019

My Rocky shore

The Rocky shore is a rocky place in the ocean it when the tide is in and when the
tide is out and that's cod the littoral. zone.

 This upper region is called the supratidal or splash zone. It is only covered during
storms and extremely high tides and is moistened by the spray of the breaking waves.
They are capable of surviving on the moisture of the sea spray from waves.

So the intertidal zone and the littoral zone is the sea bed between the
highest and lowest limits of the tide mark.
It only gets covered in water during storms and king tides.

Subtidal zone is the zone below the intertidal zone. And is the
zone that is permanently covered in water. 

The Rocky Shore is a place in the ocean that has heaps of shall.
The Rocky shore has heaps of sand and same old bons. On the surface.
The Rocky Shore is a good place to visit one day it to swim and its good 
To bom and its to have fun.

Thursday 11 April 2019

find the meanings

task description so today we had to do find the meanings words it was fun if you want to do this school on the class site and and type Pt England school. com . NZ

Tuesday 2 April 2019

match the word to meaning

WALT: understand new vocabulary

task description; so today we had to reading a book calld the greyhound

Wednesday 27 March 2019

match the word

WALT: understand new vocabulary

task description Today we had to reading a book calld the ants and the Grasshopper Mr GoodWin tod as to go and do the activities the fasrt activities I did was the match the activities .

Thursday 7 February 2019

my About me writing

WALT: write about ourselves on the internet in a

cybersmart wayMalolelei my name is siosiua and I am from, Auckland New Zealand I am a year 6 at pt england School my amazing ,teacher is Mr Goodwin and , I am in room 7 because all the teachers.
decided who they wanted in the classI and I enjoy going no to the Wolf because I Bob off the highest Rock and swim and Its Fun and like play rugby because I ,play on Saturday and train every day so when I go up

I will be Superstar

task description;
for this task used a template give to us by Mr Goodwin to write about me section on our blog. we had to think about our different intes